
this message may be offensive
Hey, Lovely. Just like what Lukas said, we don't seem to talk that much either. That's a bummer but hey, we have that kinda friendship that even if we don't talk for weeks. Months even. We're still friends. I'm glad for that I guess but sometimes I wish that we'd spend more time together, just like the old times. With Ala, Luke, Mikey. Those were the times, you know? I guess the 3rd year of friendship tends to loosen the bond, huh? I'm glad we spent our teenage years all together. I know you're going through a hella tough time right now and if I could I would go through anything just so you won't have to carry all this shit in you. But you will feel better and all this crap will stop. Trust me, just keep positive yea? Hope may disappear at times but it will reappear and you will gain the strength to fight this battle. I love you so so so so much Mandie. I hope you're aware of that. You mean a lot to all of us. Keep smiling. It's really stunning. I love you. 


Hiya Mands. :-) 
          I know we never seem to talk lately and even when I came back from you know what we never really did still and that's pretty sucky. But I guess it is pretty understandable that we're both not getting younger anytime soon and we're growing up so we need to focus on our lives more than this stupid app. But I'm going to take time to write this to you. Mandie, I know most of our friends are gone now and don't seem to just, come around anymore but I want to let you know that I'll always be around. Not often but you know how to contact me where I'll always answer the call in any time. I know it's heartbreaking to see the only people that kept you positive in life just, slowly not start to notice you and I understand that because it's the same for me. Yeah, we've had big fights before that's actually did affect a few insecuritoes of ours but you know. There's no perfect friendship yeah? But I do try my best to keep you smiling and I will always answer the 3 am calls whenever you get a nightmare. If those even happen still. We all have dreams and I believe we're all slowly, drastically reaching them. You're special as heck. I've seen sides of you that you rarely ever show to anyone and I appreciate that you chose to open up to me more than the others. We're just a dysfuntional family but that's okay cause we still loooove each other. Talk to me when you can, yeah? Let's catch up Mands. I love you, so so much. And thank you so much for everything. 
          -Yours truly, Luek.