
          	ch:13 of silly kitty soon to be published! 
          	chapters1-3 (i think) will be under major reconstructions so that it could actually fit the rest of the chapters.
          	The title of the books is also to be changed! But you guys vote for the name! 
          	Reply to this post which new title you like best!
          	(or comment which one u want it to be) 


Hi! I'm awesometales (@awesometales) If you have some time, d'you think you could check out my story, 'Cursed with Power' ? And also, please follow me if you think it's worth it.


Sure! But I hv an exam tomorrow, so it'll hv to w8


@awesometales You can read one of my books and i can read one of yours :D


          ch:13 of silly kitty soon to be published! 
          chapters1-3 (i think) will be under major reconstructions so that it could actually fit the rest of the chapters.
          The title of the books is also to be changed! But you guys vote for the name! 
          Reply to this post which new title you like best!
          (or comment which one u want it to be) 


Hi, I'm glad to introduce myself!
          WORDYWONDERS (@wordywonders) – Wattpad
          And you can find my work on my profile. I've written 5 works to date, maybe reading all that is exhausting? But you can check them out, you're gonna like 'em.
          And don't forget to vote on them if you like them! And follow me if you feel it's worth it, I'll be trying my best to update regularly. If you don't want to, I promise I won't bite :D


@wordywonders i just posted a new chapter to 2 of my books! If u can, check em out


Well, alright! I daresay I might not have enough time to read all three of your works, but I'll surely try. And we can do the follow for a follow right now!


@wordywonders follow for follow? Read a book  for read a book?


Hello guys, its been a while! I kinda forgot  i even have this app lol. I reading some stories for inspo on the new chapter! Dont expect it a new chapter till auguys 1st.... ooh i just got an idea! I can make a new chapter based on 1st og august which us interabtiobal girlfriend day... hehehe or i might say she woke up from a coma....MWAJAHAHAHAHAAH nobody can know....
          anyways love you bye