Unpublished all my books! They will be reposted in the future, I can assure that. I need time to redraft and properly plan one book at a time.

@mis-teeq Glad to know that, and I'm doing great! Although won't be in as great as now since I'll have to get to a dentist in a few days later-cavity problems and stuff, it's gonna hurt real bad. Oh that would be wonderful! Let me know the moment you post it, and nope, you really haven't but all those covers were amazing, I'm guessing most of them were made by Mad, weren't they? I've got a few ideas in mind, so it may be up real soon. awwh thanks brandy! <3

@artaholic- I've been great! - I am great! I don't think I've been better. But are you ok? that's the question! I might actually delve into one of your fabulous graphics for this upcoming book of mine! I don't think I've actually had one from you! Not a recent one at least. Oh hun! Stop it at once. Concentration and extreme focus. You know you can do it! ;D

@mis-teeq I know right? It's been quite a long time! How are you? All I know right now is that I'll probably just end up staring at the screen blankly. But well, let's see what I can come up with! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯