
My Quotes of the year apparently according too my friend 
          	07/02, 09:56
          	 Me: I orderd a shirt off shein 
          	Glizzy ( having a conversation): NO let me finish 
          	Me: no shut up
          	( in the morning)
          	Elsita : are you ready!
          	Me : no
          	Elsita: I can't hear you , are you ready!
          	Me: NO 


My Quotes of the year apparently according too my friend 
          07/02, 09:56
           Me: I orderd a shirt off shein 
          Glizzy ( having a conversation): NO let me finish 
          Me: no shut up
          ( in the morning)
          Elsita : are you ready!
          Me : no
          Elsita: I can't hear you , are you ready!
          Me: NO 


The tea is boiling hot in my friend group, damn glad I'm not involved, and they think I don't know, (there's little sub friend groups in my friend group, I'm in a trio friend group, me and one of the girls in the trio never go outside at lunch so the friend that stays outside tells us the tea that gets told) and oh my god I literally predicted it, I think both parties are in the wrong, just one more then the other


I had a mini heart attack yesterday I thought my mom hear me say 'kill your self' to her and turns out she only heard the 'what the hells wrong with you' part


@misaki_natsu this was nearly a year ago I'm fine ♡


@misaki_natsu natsu-chan are you okay pookie?


Hi cuties, I'm going to Birmingham on Tuesday ,
          Then I'm going to London, I don't live in the UK but I'm going to go see my uncle who recently moved to Birmingham then I'm going to London for a wedding, I'm going to Birmingham in a few weeks again


omg I was at science blast and some guys came up to me and said my shoelaces were untied and i already new they were so I tied them i heard his friends laugh so i went over to my friends and before i could say anything they said the exact same thing except one didnt have shoelaces and the other ones shoes were tied so apparently the boy that told her was the same one that came up to us and started asking my friends question i know it was apart of there thing but me and my other friend was there and there friend didnt ask us and at the end the same guy told a girl in my class that his friend likes her but she doesnt speak english so she didnt understand so we told him i went away but i think the guy told my friend something and a week or something later my friend asks her cousin what it means since he is a year younger then he and he said its when a guy doesnt want you to fall for someone else 
          since this is so long i might just copy and past it as a storie on my other account natsu_misaki


ok so most of you might not know but this is my alt account and its nearly been a year since I got wattpad soeveryone get excited I am posting a 1 year special so I am going to redo my first chapter and make it a 2023 edition  coming out on July 16th I will try post some stories before then but get excited my alt account is called natsu_misaki so basically the opposite of my name now