hi, clarisse! love the halsey quote in your bio -- she honestly is a brilliant artist, huh? i love her songs and the lyrics in them, and i'm sure you do, too, so you're automatically extremely cool in my book! just wanted to stop by to say i love your retro, kind of poloroid type of vibe -- totally jealous on how well you pull it off. have a gorgeous, gorgeous day, sarena x

@sarena_a Hi Serena!! Thanks so much for dropping by, and for saying all those extremely nice stuff! I often see you writing messages on other people's m/b, and here you are on mine! And yes, Halsey is absolutely amazing, I just can't get enough of Badlands! (Castle and Colors are my personal favs) Haha, I'm so glad that you like my profile (it took me forever to just get it right), but the only thing that is keeping it away from being perfect is some actual written work (which, hopefully, are coming soon) but other than that, I'm really glad that you like it! Feel free to shoot a couple more messages here or by pm, I'd love to get to know you better! TC <3