
Assalamualaikum and Heyya everyone from me @darlingsyara a.k.a Miss Panda, I just wanna say that I'm gonna change my username and maybe I don't know what I'll change in the future HAHAHA, there's a lot of things that I don't know and they're involve with the future as always, who knows right, so for those who followed me for I don't know how long, don't freak out HAHAHA, I know you guys will not duh, well, as always this is just a minute or so visits @wattpad, I'm busy for I don't know (AGAIN AND AGAIN - I DON'T KNOW), since when and when it'll stop, but yeah, long time no see earthlings, miss you a lot, bye again HUHUHU.


Hai Kak baca ceritaku yuk siapa tahu suka! Sudah END juga jadi bisa marathoonn!
          Sebuah kisah tentang hidup.
          Sebuah kisah menjadi manusia.
          Dalam masa pandemi Covid-19. Lelaki bernama Arshaka Zayn---anggota club motor The Baross yang terkenal dengan kedermawanannya, bertemu dengan cinta pertamanya. Yakni, Kirana Larasati---gadis pengidap penyakit mental Obsessive Compulsive Disorder yang kehidupannya 'terlihat' nyaris sempurna.
          Kirana berharap dalam usahanya untuk sembuh ia memiliki partner hidup yang dapat mengerti dirinya. Dan ia berharap orang itu adalah Ali Al Ghazi---sepupunya yang merupakan pendakwah milenial terkenal yang memiliki podcast dengan jumlah pendengar yang cukup banyak.
          Siapakah partner hidup Kirana sesungguhnya? Bagaimana perjuangan Kirana untuk sembuh? Sebanyak apa luka yang disembunyikan oleh sosok Arshaka? Semuanya akan terjawab jika kamu membaca cerita ini secara lengkap.


Assalamualaikum and Heyya everyone from me @darlingsyara a.k.a Miss Panda, I just wanna say that I'm gonna change my username and maybe I don't know what I'll change in the future HAHAHA, there's a lot of things that I don't know and they're involve with the future as always, who knows right, so for those who followed me for I don't know how long, don't freak out HAHAHA, I know you guys will not duh, well, as always this is just a minute or so visits @wattpad, I'm busy for I don't know (AGAIN AND AGAIN - I DON'T KNOW), since when and when it'll stop, but yeah, long time no see earthlings, miss you a lot, bye again HUHUHU.


hi! Mind to followback?


@nurasyaa_ okay wak I will selepas final exam saya insyaa Allah nak buat comeback ke Wattpad.


@darlingsyara thanks awak! Hehe kalau sudi jemput la baca story saya tau♡ walaupun tak best :'(


assalamualaikum buat pe tu :3


@taeferol thank you my dear ❤


@darlingsyara oh yeke sabar laa gudluck bebeh 


hi boleh followback and jemput la baca my first book ni mungkin agak sampah but I'll do better next time. thank you for your support. may allah bless you for your kindness ♥


@darlingsyara tqsm ♥ takpe i boleh tunggu 


Assalamualaikum and Heyya everyone from me @darlingsyara a.k.a Miss Panda and sorry this is just a minute visit in @wattpad from me because I really miss it. I miss everyone in here. Still, I am VERY BUSY WITH THE ONLINE CLASSES and wow too that I will really go to my university in 15th August and get freedom from all those online classes. Take care everyone. I will come back here in the meantime after I got used with my new surroundings in university. Love y'all.


Assalamualaikum and Heyya from me @darlingsyara a.k.a Miss Panda here. Just wanna say that I wanna pause myself from @wattpad for a while or for a long time. ♥️S.O.R.R.Y♥️ Love all of you and bye bye earthlings. 


@sugeous yeah thank you for the motivations ♥️♥️♥️. 


@ darlingsyara  hmm samalah kitaa TT sokay sokay takpa,  focus dulu perkara penting, saya tunggu awak kembalii ❤


@sugeous Busy dear T.T. Masuk U ini makin banyak pula meeting online untuk kenal2 U yang kita masuk plus mohon sana sini untuk bantuan and sort of. Nanti, ada class, lagi haru T.T. Course yang saya ambil pula amat baru bagi saya huhu. Sorry, dear. Nah ♥️.