
hey, I just wanted to apologize for the lack of content. I've had a really bad case of writer's block for a long while now, but it is slowly going away so expect some updates soon and maybe even a new story involving winged people.


hey, I just wanted to apologize for the lack of content. I've had a really bad case of writer's block for a long while now, but it is slowly going away so expect some updates soon and maybe even a new story involving winged people.


Thanks and even though you didn't post your username on Ifunny I have a feeling it's you 


I guess we're together then cause I'm also slytherin 


GUESS WHAT! I GOT A TUMBLR!!! I AM SLOWLY BEING PULLED INTO THIS INSANE DEEP DARK HOLE OF PAIN AND HAPPINESS. WHY AM I SHOUTING! Anyway my tumblr is twistesprincesscrowley... it was like three in the morning when I chose that name. Oh well! Go stalk my tumblr!