
@bettyboo125bo Oh, and when will you upload the next chapter ? i'm dying to know what will happen ! :P we can exchange emails if you want to, and i can send you my work, ok ?


@bettyboo125bo yeah i understand, dont worry, im not stealing anything, i swear !! haha xD i just thought that it was a really good and spicy story and i know so many french teenagers that would enjoy it ( FYI, i live in France) Plus, it's a great way to practise my translation ! so how do you want me to do it ? should i translate and then send them to you ? i would but i dunn how to ! haha teach me and problem solved :P


hehe...I say go for it! I wants as many vote, reads, and comments as I possibly can! as long as you don't try to steal it, not saying you will, but it IS 2010 AND it's the internet, can't really trust that many people you know...