
Salam and hello to all my awesome followers and readers!
          	I know ya'll gonna be so surprised that I'm finally back and I want to say sorry for making ya'll worry about me and why I didn't update?  life has practically been stomping on me with its heel (may Allah help me and give me strength) so that's why I didn't update and sorta isolated myself for a while.
          	but now I want ya'll to know that I'm back and yes, I'm back with updates. I've been writing the whole time but I never published it.
          	I hope ya'll keep up showing your love and support and to help me back up into this inshallah.
          	jazakillah and thank you for your understanding and support ♡♡


          	  Wa Alaikom Assalam.. Well, your well being is much more important than updates and books, so as long as you're alright and well , InshAllah it'll all be fine.. :) 
          	  I literally read waves 3 times because of how much I loved it..


Jazakallah ! It's like pre Eid gift haha ! 