
Kein Bock mehr auf irgendwas. Tut mir leid an all diejenigen, die sich Sorgen machen. Es hat keinen Sinn dies zu tun.


Dieser Moment, wenn man keine Ahnung hat, ob man nun nur faul ist oder nh richtige Schreibblockade hat.
          Wenn ich eine habe, ist das eine neue Entdeckung in meinem Leben.
          Ich habe dann schon 1 Jahr lang dieses Gefühl nichts schreiben zu können.
          Irgendwie  finde ich das traurig.


Pesan ini mungkin menyinggung
(2rd part)
          9. Last song you listened to?
          - “Kein Platz mehr” ~Punch Arogunz
          10. Favorite food?
          - Baklava
          11. Favorite tv shows 
          - I think it is Teen Wolf, but I saw the whole five seasons and I am disappointed of the end. Ok that was a little spoiler, I think…
          12. Favorite holiday 
          -I don´t care! I love every holiday!
          13. Hair color and length 
          - My naturally hair color is dark brown or black, but I wish I could have colorful hair like the german YouTube Star Sarah Soceress. Her hair is so wonderful.
          14. Favorite thing about myself mentally?
          I don´t know… I am just me with all my faults. I am a crazy person and strived to be nice to all kind of people, but sometimes I could kill the whole world population. And sometimes I am a depressed girl, that never want to leave her bed… AT FIVE O´CLOCK (p.m.)!
          15. .. And physically?
          - Nope…
          I hope you enjoy the tag. :D If no and you want to say me that my grammar is in the whole three parts false, you can do that in the comments, but I know that and I haven´t say my grammar is every time right.
          Ok… It´s time to tag people on wattpad!: @xsmile_every_dayx @willkommnimparadies @PfirsichFresse @ungemocht  ..And everyone who read this and want to do this to, so feel free :)
          Love you guys! :* <3 ^^ Bye! ^.^


(1st part)
          Hey guys! Today I saw that Marija from @IDontRemember had tagged me and now I´m here and write my answers down. I don´t know who interessed that, but I don´t care! Ok, let´s go!
          I was tagged by @IDontRemember ;
          1.	Whats your Full Name?
          -Jessica A.
          2.	What does your username mean?
          -My parents come from Turkey and “Habibi” is Turkish/Arabic… And I don´t know. I thought it´s matching… So “Kiss me” I saw by a another Wattpader…
          3.	Favorite mutual friends
          -I am stumped…
          4.	First friend on Wattpad
          -I don´t think she´s a friend, but I had a nice discussion with her and she gave me tips for a private problem. @xsmile_every_dayx
          5.	Height?
          -1,64 m (I don´t know the English version of a size specification)
          6.	Tattoos or piercings?
          -I want to get pierced, but my parents are strict…
          7.	Favorite season?
          8. Last movie you watched? 
          -I think it was “Inception” or “The girl with the dragon tattoo”


Wow, ich habe gerade deine Beschreibung gelesen. Das ist so unfassbar schön und lieb von dir, es hat mich unglaublich gefreut. Es ist so toll zu wissen, dass es da draußen Leute gibt, die meine Arbeit schätzen. Fühl dich durch die Weiten des Internets umarmt von mir :) Vielen Dank:)