
I honestly don't know how I managed to put this chapter together this week. Work and school have been HELL. But enjoy!


New chapter of BLOOD IN THE WATER is here!
          This is the last complete chapter I have written, so there may or may not be another update next weekend. My capstone project for my master's is underway, and my brain is nearly fried. If I get the chance to write, I will, but I cannot promise anything. 
          This story is FAR from finished. Aemond and Alayne are a part of me now, and I cannot leave them hanging suspended and incomplete.


May I ask if you meant to post chapter 34 because it keeps saying that my notification page xx love the story by the way


@miss_congeniality18 No worries love, thank you so much for letting me know. I know re-writing can be intense do take all the time you need 


@Fates-of-the-Damned I did not mean to post it  I was editing and noticed a difference in my main doc and here, and I accidentally hit Publish instead of Save! As I'm editing, I plan to update by Act, and I'm not done editing Act 4 yet


It is heartbreaking to see the amount of body shaming directed toward Ewan Mitchell after tonight's episode of HotD. He is perfect the way he is, and I don't support body shaming toward ANYONE, no matter if they are male, female, or nonbinary. It is rude and disrespectful, period. 


Yeah,  the amount of videos I’ve seen of people just casually body shaming him is disgusting and weird. :/ 


To the readers of Blood in the Water, I have made an edit to chapters twelve and fourteen. As I am writing ahead of what is being published, this addition is crucial to the timeline (I was still playing around with it during the time those chapters were published). It is not necessary to go back and read, I only introduce that Rhaenyra is about six (?) months pregnant and practically everyone is aware of it. 
          Also, I am SEVERELY behind on my writing schedule, and it is only going to get more chaotic since I started a summer semester of my master's program. As of now, everything is fine, just be aware that my publishing schedule may change.
          Love you all!