
Helloo my dear readers ! <33
          	I'm currently not able to write requests, I'm really sorryy !  I'll try writing them as soon as possible ! 


Hii everyone ! 
          I would like to express my gratitude to all of you.. Tysm for supporting me <33 I also appreciate new followers and that includes readers and voters who has supported me from the start. Thank you and happy new year everyonee ✨


Hi guys ! Apparently, I am currently working on a project - editing my first story, "Thank you" (A Rudyman fanfiction). I'm planning to edit them on night, but unfortunately I won't if things gets busy. Let me know your thoughts ! :DD


          Hi guys :DD It's been while since I last updated.. Firstly, I'm really sorry for not updating.. It's been a pretty busy year for me recently, and I'm not even free  in the weekends too. But for today, let me at least check out my books, and if possible, completing the request, thxx :))


My, thankss✨ Cute pfp btw :DD


@miyu_niz9 hey hey!! take ur time ^^ 


Hello. I have a story about Ejen Ali that I hope you can take a look. Thanks!
          Have a good day


@hahanhf hii ! So sorry for not replying earliear :(( I''ll check it out, thxx ^^


Hi guys ^^
          ~It's been a long time since I last updated TT Unfortunately, I can't seem to accept any request at the moment as I've been busy with lots school homeworks and activities.. ( ≧Д≦)  For the recent requests, I'll try to do it asap ! Lastly, I didn't get to wish all the muslims a Happy Ramadhan earlier (༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ) so.. Happy Ramadhan (≧▽≦)


Hey guys :DD
          So sorryy I haven't update for so long ( ≧Д≦)
          I rarely opens wattpad these days.. It's also the school holiday season, so my family and I went on some trips.. I really hope I can update more and do your requests ! 
          (p/s: I don't really remember most of the requests.. Please remind me if I forgot TT *SORRY *)