Why do my mom and brother think that I'm hiding or something is going on just because I don't talk too much in the house..? Like as an Introvert I really struggle to have conversations. Even among my friends circle, I'm not the one that initiates talks. I prefer to listen or just go with the flow. And now due to study holidays I mostly stay at home, do my studies and scroll through my phone..I don't really have much to talk about. Obviously I can't talk about kpop or my fanfiction works because they don't like those things. I don't understand like why are they forcing me when I genuinely don't have anything to converse. Sometimes I wish I lived alone so that no one would bother me

@Rachael855055 same girl. I also like listening to music with headphones, even when I'm watching youtube, reels etc, I use headphones. Basically can't live without it (lol)

I really understand you. I’m also introvert. I spend the most of my time in the room listening to music or scrolling on my phone. My parents also sometimes think that I’m hiding something from them. Usually when I talk with my mother I talk with her about hair care or skin care or cats, cause we don’t have same interests in music or series. With my father I talk about technology (but they always ask me what I’m doing whole day in my room and how I’m not bored being alone) I also prefer listening music with headphones it brings me peace