I finally managed to watch Phineas and Ferb Star Wars, and am I the only one who wishes Han and Isabella to get together, or at least be friends? I am a Phinebella fan, but still!
I just posted a new story! And for what its worth Merry Belated Christmas and a Happy Early New Year. Let 2015 be an awesome year! (Also a year for Avengers Age of Ultron to appear! Clint has a farm! ;P ) I love you all my awesome followers!
For the record Age of Ultron was awesome... SPOILER ALERT: I can't believe Clint was framing married!! And my OTP was Clintasha too... *sigh* and then she had to go and bloody kiss Steve in Winter Soldier and now she's flirting with Bruce? Sit still Tash... Well at least Brutasha is real... I think... *sigh* My heart will always cry for Clintasha...
Warning post may contain spoilers for Book Thief. I just watched The Book Thief and I'm crying:( Why?! Why must you kill Rudy? Why couldn't Liesel and him live a happy life? Why, oh why? I am dying of a broken heart........