
@CuppydiCaker Aww, of course I would care, you seem great and cool too. :) 
          	We are really alike, I sit in the front and I always had to hide ny books in class, even though it's a bit harder now then it was before because of high school and all. But, the funny thing is I was actually watching ERB, ( Rick Grimes VS Walter White) when the comment notification went through, and it was purely coincedental! 
          	It's a bit hard for me to find some one else who likes most of the stuff I do, and you seem like an awesome person to follow. :)


@CuppydiCaker Aww, of course I would care, you seem great and cool too. :) 
          We are really alike, I sit in the front and I always had to hide ny books in class, even though it's a bit harder now then it was before because of high school and all. But, the funny thing is I was actually watching ERB, ( Rick Grimes VS Walter White) when the comment notification went through, and it was purely coincedental! 
          It's a bit hard for me to find some one else who likes most of the stuff I do, and you seem like an awesome person to follow. :)


@CuppydiCaker Aww, of course I would care, you seem great and cool too. :) 
          We are really alike, I sit in the front and I always had to hide ny books in class, even though it's a bit harder now then it was before because of high school and all. But, the funny thing is I was actually watching ERB, ( Rick Grimes VS Walter White) when the comment notification went through, and it was purely coincedental! 
          It's a bit hard for me to find some one else who likes most of the stuff I do, and you seem like an awesome person to follow. :)


I don't know why but I really like the Adam VS Eve (Jenna Marbles is in it hehehe) and Miley Cyrus VS Joan of Arc. I remember all the lyrics to the Miley Cyrus VS Joan of Arc one. During english class, I read on a laptop and just go on wattpad. But I always have a book with me. I am currently reading a series. It's called The Unwanteds. It's really good. I thought it was just one book but apparently it's a 7 book series and only 3 are out. UGH! 4 more years to go t'ill it's the complete set!


Ermagersh. I am also filipino. And I am almost exactly like you. Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Youtube, Jenna Marbles, Erb and animals are the best. The bomb. But food and books are a whole other thing. Food is my LIFE. Me and my friend plan to have our own fridge in our rooms. Not mini fridge. But full on fridge. And I get yelled at by my mom for staying up late to read. I am a bookworm. I got in trouble for reading in class. But any who, you probably don't care about all that but since you seem cool and awesome for liking all those stuff and people, I'll follow you. :D