Miss carms where are you na?

@Iluvsunnyoo i wanna publish this incomplete chapter-- out of a sudden hahaah :D Thanks for reminding me dearie, i appreciate it! It makes me wanna force-update now since I'm rereading my whole story too to catch up on it :))

@Iluvsunnyoo it's okay miss Carm wala naman akong karapata hahah :))) Rooting for the best in your academics, though, I hope sooner there'll be an update ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ

Hello, dearest readers! I'm very sorry that I failed to post the chapter (cries) due to personal matters. I really wanted to publish a chapter that is complete and ready, so even though I already have a draft here I still wanted it to be polished. Darn, I really missed writing this one. Currently, I'm rereading my whole story again so that I can refresh my mind and catch up as soon as possible. I miss you guys, I hope you're still tuned in :*

HAPPY 3.42K READS! Wow, I'm very glad that my story is getting more engagements. I wanna apologize as well for not updating for so long. But guess what, we have a 1 week interlude! And that means I can continue writing again. I miss you, dear readers!

@misscarmilla we miss u too miss Carmilla, it feels like decades since your last update

I got some good news for you! I am planning to make a second book cover for my story Lust Corner✨! I draw it myself if some of you are still curious ~. I am also excited to highlight more of their faces let's get drawing!

A new update is up! Thank you for anticipating! I also can see that the readers are slowly growing. Thank you very much, this makes my heart flutter!

Itching to write sooner! I am looking forward to posting my draft but unfortunately, it is still incomplete. No worries, though! Our final examinations are almost over! The next chapter is really "j u i c y"!

Miss you guys! Been busy with midterms. I'm also happy that I'm gaining new readers these days! Take care! Expect a LorenXAnsel smut on the next update

How have you been doing, my dearest readers? Thank you very much for the votes! I've been currently working on a chapter which was supposed to be up last December 2022, but I got quite busy while taking my vacation. I'm halfway through the next chap, and no doubt, it will be posted before January ends. I'm also rereading it from chapter 1 to freshen up my plans, I guess? Hahaha. Do you guys have some predictions? Let me know for fun! By the way, are there any Alpha x Jackal shippers? Hahaha, the ship has been sailing and I did captain it. Take care, dear!

@Iluvsunnyoo indeed! Ansel is the biggest red flag, dear. Glad to know your thoughts!

First publish in November is already up! I still apologize for being inactive. Hopefully there are still some of you who remember me and my works. Also, I think I'll switch to wattpad as my main writing platform. Have a great day ahead! : )

@Iluvsunnyoo that sounds sweet, dear! I'll see to it that there will be a surprise update anytime!

@misscarmilla An update of lust corner this December would be the best christmas gift miss author (*^ω^*) (I'm an atheist)