
i forgot i can use this hi do you like bread


@Bathxx this is such a general but also specific question and it SENT ME
          	  but yes, i do like bread


pov: you are walking around and you go to the beach you go into the water and start swimming, the deeper you get the more worried you get but dont go back. you are swimming and you are practically in the middle of the ocean. you see a small island and get dragged underwater. you are now in bikini bottom. you walk around and are now at the krusty krab. you walk in and see your childhood crush. MR KRABS BLUSHUWU you are shocked, and he looks at you "Y/N I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!" You blush super hard "I LOVE YOU TOO!" He gets down on 1 knee and proposes. "will you marry me?" he askes. "OMG OMG YES!!!" you yell in excitement. he puts the ring on your finger. "y/n, ive loved you for the longest time" he says. "I've loved you since i was a kid mr. krabs"


pov: You get home and your mom starts yelling at you. she told you that shes kicking you out, and your new family will be there soon so you have to pack. you run to your room crying and start packing. when you finish packing you bring your stuff out of your room and you hear the doorbell ring harry styles is at the door, "ELLO LUV C'MON IM YOUR NEW DAD" you are schocked and you faint NOW YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON YOUR NEW DAD!! insertnosebleedhere


pov: you are walking around and go inside a person to sit in his face. then bob the builder comes over. "what are you doing?" he askes. "BOB BABY!" You yell and hug him then him and his red tomato head and you kiss. and then make out. "lets take this somewhere else" he says. you walk to the house. when you get to your room you see gibby and bob sitting on your bed. steaming with anger. "AFTER ALL WE'VE DONE FOR YOU, YOU ARE WITH HIM? BOB THE BUILDER???" You cry and apologize, they leave the room. bob the builder trys to calm you down but then dantdm shows up and starts yelling at peppa the pig while her and her brother George are yelling "SOMEBODY COME GET HER-" They get cut off when daddy pig walks in and beats them. he then slaughters them and cooks them into bacon and cooks them. he then feeds it to y/n. he only gives it to y/n to make him/her feel better. she/he is now happy and continues to date bob the builder but then finds out they are siblings.


 pov: you are deported and you are now in the uk. you are walking around and see none other than gasp TOM HOLLAND! You are shocked and start panicking, he stops and says "I KNOW YOU" And you are shook and he says "IM YOUR DAD I GAVE BIRTH TO YOU" you gasp and blush HE WAS YOUR CRUSH BUT ALSO YOUR BIOLOGICAL DAD!!! Nosebleed


why the hell are people reading my 'back to the 1700s' story still?? its so bad i was 12? idek  hhhhhHHHH 
          but thank you for the reads lmao
          love you guys -Lena


@Kayjus2020 Lmao thank you! people keep saying it is, ig i don't like it cause i wrote it- but thank you so much!! :D


@Leny_420 shut up it was amazing