"Why do you read tragedy?” He snorted taking the book in his firm grip, tossing around the pages. "Because it gives peace knowing at least something is eternal." She answered him while snatching the book. "How do you know tragedy is eternal?" He asked Curiously. She eyed him up and down letting out a sigh and said, "When tragedy happens it gives birth to the eternal feeling of losing a beautiful piece of life. Now excuse me i want to read my book."
He quietly walked towards the end of the room and looked back at her with a sad smile. She looked at him from the corner of her eyes, suddenly her phone started buzzing with Taylor Swift's cardigan ringtone. She looked at the screen and saw an unknown caller identity pushing the green button up and said,"Hello?." The caller answered, “I am sorry to inform you Mrs Haider your husband has been murdered in a robbery." She jumped up from her chair the book fell down from her lap and her mind started shaking all she could see was his sad smile.