
Hey y’all, would anyone read if I re-did Fatal Mistakes? And/or started a new fic? 


I’ll be back eventually I swear lol. I just got a job and I’m in tech for a show right now. After this week I’ll have a lot more free time! Sorry for no updates lately, hope you all understand. Have a great night! 


That time of the month when I say there won’t be a chapter is back! Idk what’s going on lately but I’m just not feeling it. It’ll get finished eventually but no update this week. I’m going to try and write a couple at once tho so we should be good for a while after this. Sorry! :p


I totally expected to have at least a couple of chapters of the new fic out by now but it’s got a while to go... it’s going really well, just taking a long time to finish. I might end up putting up some one shots I wrote a while ago and never published if I can’t get something out in the next week. :) 


this message may be offensive
Okay I have a question and be honest lol. I have quite a bit of a new fic done but it’s graphic at points and kinda intense. (Graphic as in blood and abuse and just all around fucked stuff). And like- I don’t want to post something that will make people uncomfortable so would y’all be good to read that or should I cut parts out and just kinda mention it here and there. Obv I’m including TWs and things and everything graphic will be easy to skip but idk... 


@misscrygi  I'm cool with that. I think TWs would work just fine :) You should publish it, bby. I love your stories, can't wait <3