I know you’re probably not going to see this which is perfectly fine lol, but in the spirit of national best friend day I decided to log back on here after like 4 years to say thank you I guess haha. I ended up meeting one of my best friends in the comments of Anytime You Want I think and it’s just hilarious to both of us that we met through an mcr fanfic lmao. Hopefully you’re doing well, and uhh I guess thank you for being the start of a blossoming gay emo friendship :)

@hithere0987654321 This was months ago now, but I’m just logging in for the first time in a long while. Reading this made my heart so happy. Its hard for me to believe that a story I wrote in high school could’ve led to the two of you finding a lasting friendship, but I’m honored to have created something that brought you together. And sure, you may have met through an MCR fanfic, but it’ll be a great story to tell when you’re both old and grey. ♥️