
Heyyy, still alive!! I just haven’t had the motivation to write lately and I’ve been trying to catch up on school work and my Among Us addiction isn’t helping haha,,


Heyyy, still alive!! I just haven’t had the motivation to write lately and I’ve been trying to catch up on school work and my Among Us addiction isn’t helping haha,,


Goddamnit, my Switch charger is broken. Ffs. ;_;


@hsraTytluS I have a new one now lol but to my old one, F.


Since a lot of people in my comments seem too be asking me if my requests are open, no they aren’t. I’m sorry, but right now I just feel like writing what I feel like writing. I hope you all understand! They may be open again some day, but right now they aren’t.


I’m kinda sick right now but I’m currently working on 2 new chapters! I suddenly have a bunch of ideas and motivation right now so even if I’m sick imma put that motivation to use! ÙwÚ.


@xngellix_ Not sure, I have a lot of chapters in progress at the moment lol.