There’s no doubt that the recent news of Liam’s sudden passing has shocked the entire world. It’s shaken everyone up, words can’t describe how everyone is feeling. Although I don’t agree with his past actions, I still would never wish death upon someone. He was apart of a lot of our lives, no matter how long, he still was a core part of all of our childhoods, we grew up along side of him. My heart goes out to his friends and family, those who knew him personally and those who weren’t but still felt like he was a childhood friend. Sending my love to everyone at this time, I’m always here if anyone needs to talk <3

@ missluckycharmss The saddest thing about this is that I was left with the feeling that he could have done so many great things. He was undeniably extremely talented, but I felt like he was still lost in the "what could have been if the band hadn't stopped". Anyway, I just hope he rests in peace.