


Hey guys, I've taken down my books. I read something earlier in the week that made me think about my books. It said if your bored writing, the readers are bored reading. So I'm making a fresh start and begining to develop a new book idea and will have the first chappie up by the end of the month :)! Wish me luck!


I havent been on Wattpad in months, becuase I truely needed a break. But im back, reviews and writing every week! My junior year is filled with advanced classes and I want to fit writing into that.  My goal is one chappie a week, by Sunday at 10 pm. So I've gotta get writting today! 
                                         <3 Miss Mask13


@Rayray98  yes Rachel. it means a bunch more rls


So does this mean more RLS???


I'm soooooo sorry for no updates but I've been procrastinating on that and then finals are in 2 weeks and I'm gonna be crazy studying and packing for a trip to New Orelans trip with my school. I've got a 6 hour bus ride followed by a 10 hour bus ride and when I'm coming home a 14 HOUR bus ride. So, ill be writing like crazy! New Chappies hopefully. As for all the people down in New Oreleans, and Memphis, I'll see yall soon.