
Hi there! 
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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu! I truly wanted to inform you How Much I loved the heart broken! It's was such a beautiful story. I love it to no end Al hamdulillah I'm able to find such a masterpiece Masha Allah ❤️. Altho I wanted to know if it have any sequels, or are you planning for it? I just wanna let you know. Im waiting for their sequel as I'm too eager to know about Malaikah and Charlie also Amal and Zayn!!!
          Lot of Love  ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ


As-salaam-alikaum. Heartbroken was a lovely story on Islam and being an elder sibling and how to treat the little ones, also a good marriage is important, communication and commitment, plus knowing what's right and whats wrong in islam and marriage . I love that you based this book on all these things.. Mashallah!! May you bless us with many more stories to read and please add a sequel, I would love to read it.. Mybe 3 more chapters? Just hoping here. Anyhow... Whising you all the best in the future, may Allah swa bless your mind and hands to do more and enlighten our young ones with beautiful stories.. Salaams. 


Will you make a sequel for heartbroken....


@missmuslimah786 waiting for the sequels to be out 
            I enjoyed reading heartbroken


@AmeenFazil thank u ..take your time


@AmeenFazil Hi there! I do have one in progress but I just have been so busy with uni that i haven't had the time to finish it. Thank you for your support though! I really appreciate it!


Hello everyone! I've recently started a blog where I will publish my favourite food recipes and important Islamic posts about women in Islam and articles about different Islamic aspects. I would really appreciate it it you could check it out. Click on my profile for the link!
          Please also follow me on my insta @amgsblog


Your story heartbroken was awesome.....u really  ended it in a great way....but please write amal and zayn story....it'll be complete then.....pretty please. .....I was hooked up by your story....I  completed it in one go.


@vaishnavisonali I will be sure to keep you updated! Thank you for your support! :)


@missmuslimah786  thank u....and if it is possible then please.....notify me when u do so....I really  loved your creation


@vaishnavisonali Hi! Thank you so much for your kind words! I really appreciate it. I have got a sequel in the making, but just have been a little busy but I am hoping to have it up soon! Again, thank you so much for reading! :)