
I might have just posted chapter 10 of Running... and chapter 11 is already started so get ready!!


Hello there!
          Anisoka Week 2020?
          I’ve been talking to someone on Tumblr and we agree that we NEED an anisoka week 2020 because this ship doesn’t get the love it deserves. 
          If anyone would be willing to help me start this in anyway, even just by spreading the word to fellow anisoka shippers, I think we can make this happen. I know there was one last year (I don’t know who started it) but I haven’t heard about one for this year :(
          If you want to help please message me on here (not my favorite form of messaging but it works), on Tumblr @missroyalmess or on Instagram either @mac.does_art or @missroyalmess
          I don’t have many followers on any of these platforms so anything helps 


Hey everyone!
          I uploaded the first chapter of “Fallen Angel” the other day! If you don’t know,  it’s the origin story for my oc, Darth Nyx. I also posted a drawing of her that I did, on my Instagram. It would mean the world to me if you guys could check out the story and art and let me know what you think!


I’ve started a story about my sw oc, Darth Nyx, on ao3. Would you guys like me to post it here too?
          Failing to bring Anakin Skywalker to the dark side, Darth Sidious is in need of a new apprentice to aid him and his work in his new Empire.
          The child of two former Jedi, taken from her home and brainwashed, has now fallen into Sidious’ wrath, as his new apprentice
          Origin story for my Star Wars oc Darth Nyx.


@avalira my ao3 username is the same as it is here: missroyalmess 


I promise that ch 8 of running will be coming some time soon! I’ve hit a bit of writer’s block that I can’t seem to get rid of. 
          I just wanted to post this to let you guys know that ch 8 is coming, it’s just taking a little longer to write than I would have liked, if any of you where wondering.
          Anyway, follow my instagram @mac.does_art for more frequent updates running and other stories I’m working on


Reposting this bc of spelling mistakes in the last post that where bothering me:
          I’m still on vacation but I will be working on writing new chapters of “Running” whenever I can. Cell service is almost nonexistent where we are so I don’t expect to post a new ch.
          Also I’ve started writing a new book called “Fallen Angel” about my dark side oc Darth Nyx (wip drawing of her on my Instagram @mac.does_art). So look forward to that too!


Forgot to mention this but I am on vacation with my family this week and next week so I probably won’t update “Running”.
          If I do update it will be a long (ish) brake before I update again bc of my family vacation and bc I legit have no idea how to get where I am in writing chapter 6 and what I wanna write in chapter 7.
          Anyway, have an amazing day and stay safe and healthy out there!