So, I volunteer at the library, and today I helped a little girl finding a book about drawing.. I recommended a how to draw manga book, she took it with a big smile.. I feel like I'm a step closer to improving our generation...
I haven't been uploading for a long time.. I'm sorry! But it makes me happy to see the number of readers is growing! Thankyou to everyone who vote followed commented or just read every time I see the nummer has changed it makes my day.. You don't know half of how much it means to me.. Thankyou!!(^_-)-☆
I was working on a story on paper... And i had progressed a lot.. Then I watched some animes.. I saw some similarities..I really didn't know!! would it be bad if I'd still post it?
@Uruha_Black_Moral Yeah right? I had no intentions of copying anything. I just thought of this idea and I started writing it on paper, and I had progressed alot... I wanted my friend to read it first.. but she got kinda freaked out... She doesn't like the way "we" write *winkwink* ifyaknowwadamsayin'