Omg I love season 3 of the bad batch I am sad at it the last one but omg I was in season 1 we had fenic and cad and cut and his family season 2 we had Rio and the emperor and Rex and Cody and now in season 3 it fenic and cad again and dun dun dun we got asjjsa ventris can’t wait
I had my Covid-19 booster jab today whist I was at work I got a little bit of a sore arm so hopefully do more stories when it a little bit better but I do have a lot of stuff going on so I try to do some more of my books but it trying to fit it in but I still do them
Has anyone had problems whit Wattpad on there app because I have it on my tablet and every time I click on the app it takes me back to my tablet home page
Hay it me @missrsratwarsgirl here so I am back from my holiday so I will do some new chapters but thay may be a little bit today or tomorrow it depends because I may be a little bit tired today
Hay it me @missstarWarsgirl hear I am go away on my holiday today for one week so I go today 7th of July and then I will come back on 14th of July so no new chapters until I come back