My name is Esther Mullings✨
My birthday is on 29th January
My star sign is Aquarius
My background is Jamaica but I live in London England
I am currently dating Tyler Posey
I got out of a relationship with a Fiance called Tyler Hoechlin
I started watching Teen Wolf in 2011 ❤️
My fave males were always Scott Stiles Derek Isaac Peter and Danny
Anddd I hope you wolfies like my writing✨
My name is Esther Mullings✨
My birthday is on 29th January
My star sign is Aquarius
My background is Jamaica but I live in London England
I am currently dating Tyler Posey
I got out of a relationship with a Fiance called Tyler Hoechlin
I started watching Teen Wolf in 2011 ❤️
My fave males were always Scott Stiles Derek Isaac Peter and Danny
Anddd I hope you wolfies like my writing✨