
@-JustBeYou- HAHAHAH! That just made my day! 


Just an add on to what you were saying earlier, about dreaming huge:(this is more for others cause you should already know it) Don't let the world define you. The world is the box. You are the lines that God draws beyond the boxes. So, adding to what misswritealot said: DREAM GINORMOUS!!!
          Just thought I'd support another Christian.


You are the chicken that flies the coup. You are the Cow that lives in a house. You are the Spongebob that lives in a mushroom. Your life is your on. Venture outside the pineapple.


Christian! That really stood out to me. The other thing was you called yourself a loser. I thought you should know, you should diss yourself. I always say, the moment you lose is the moment you see the other person as weak. For you, I would change it to: The moment you lose is the moment you lose confidence in yourself. Hang in there.