Shameless plug. Sorry po for bothering. Good day! I'm Lilaesq po!! I have a 'non-story' book/piece entitled Why Chapters, and it's all about questions in life, particularly, Why Questions. It would be my pleasure if you'll be part of it, just ask why... ?or bakit... ? and I'll include it in my book with a good answer. Thank you!! I hope you could help me by being part of it!! Thank youuu very much po!! God bless!! P.S. I also have What Chapters, pwede rin po kayong magtanong ng What/Ano Questions. Thank you po!! Here's the link of my works, hope you enjoy reading them! Thank you po! Why Chapters:℘_page=story_details_button℘_uname=lilaesq℘_originator=d3gdjPIYlCxYt8yZnKmIlqdC6FqZSDYyHtDabIyiNtci1gjKuG3KtsHtEFljbPMHLnPjeIhFAq3ehkBEPbusirCk6xe%2F9vo4TbmAr7ECT2okWzQ2DgsjY9VuQO9gb%2BYv Good morning, Yesterday:℘_page=story_details_button℘_uname=lilaesq℘_originator=KDMqbseDKP4HZEKZRR5zGQq9Gqi0FU%2By6zRIGeqpnJZVwmBsJh3%2Ba08NzesIMKme0mwwFBaRdzY9jcEU6L6r2m9wuD51EpVuSFEl7CHbzQalvuulcwaCmWmMIrZCw7kT What Chapters:℘_page=story_details_button℘_uname=lilaesq℘_originator=Hz2Vra3pBd1GZwdTGCcwZ3LytPi64VYjtXyFLGgIcPo43I1YZnEiycNoUWDH9RYSceudpe%2Bnad47IWOW%2BfS7urvpp4PSFt60AHZFAU%2Bu%2BUH2%2BcgmOAoQb%2BoT%2FKSlj7m7 - Lilaesq ♡