Helo guis i am gong to be removinf misyswifereal aka raven frm mah fics futesher chaptas bcus she is a sefish litle mannypulatting tode and am not gomg to tlk to dem anymor pls dont red deir fic it sucings dick

@missyfan7000 omg ur so fukking stuped bitch just fuk of my fics ar just beter dan urs and tat u cant ever not be da center of atenshun pls just fuk off also im not gong to giv u bak ur bin wevvils acunt back its min now

@missyfan7000 hoe am i the sefish mannypulatting tode u r u wer teh won hoo sayd my fan ficshun wuz shiit hoe dar u i hoe u get etten by ami poonds gost