Heyy guys! Just your average comic book freak here! I am crazy about comic books and even though I don't admit it....I am obsessed with Batman. I mean come on, everyone is obsessed with SOMETHING!!!! so yah....I read DCU and Marvel comics, and I'm stuck in my own little world of music :) I mean you gotta face the music man, music has always been there for me when I was alone, comforting me with the lyrics I've never been told, and allowing me to see everything in a different perspective and new meaning..........YEA I KNOW HOW CHEESY THAT SOUNDS!!!! ........so......(I can get really awkward....) anyways......should I continue with my obsessions??? I'm also obsessed with 5sos, rock music, chocolate, chocolate, and more chocolate....yea I'm pretty lame :/ so, that's all I got for now! I know it sucks, I'll edit soon. cya guys!!!