
Hey dear readers and friends, it's been a while since the last post so I thought it was time for a new update. 
          	I have actually decided to reupload a few books of mine on Wattpad - hoping they won't be reported for this or that reason. ^^'
          	Also, I have started writing again for a while and have a few fanfictions ready in my language, short and longer ones, about some Japanese TV shows I watched and liked. I will preferably upload them on my Archive On Our Own account first, and see if I also post them on Wattpad later. I will make an announcement when the first few chapters are out anyway. I still need to translate and proofread everything. 
          	Finally, I have started working again on my two novels as well, Hanasenai and Beyond The Mask. Maybe they be will posted on my Inkitt account when ready, as the platform seems quite convenient and relevant for original works and novels. I still need to figure out how to use it and want to finish my ongoing fanfictions first though. 
          	That's it for today I guess :) hope you'll have a nice weekend and that we will talk soon again. Bye ~ 


@Rileyaksnes hi Riley ^^ thanks for your message. Yeah actually I thought of giving a try and just reupload a few things here to see if it is really okay or if I should move to another platform for good. So I made a few books accessible again. This platform was the first I tried for sharing my writings online and it has many advantages that's also why I like it in particular ^^ we'll see how things turn out. 
          	  Regarding Beyond the mask, I really want to finish it too :) there are few parts I'd like to modify though, before uploading it again. But don't worry, it will come back soon x) on Inkitt and maybe here if WP doesn't disappoint me again. XD
          	  Hope you are doing well anyway. Talk soon. Take care xx 


Hey Steph,
          	  I just got an email from WP stating I was mentioned in SunMork one-shot; I guess sometimes the email works, lol. Nice to see you back here. I missed you. Knowing soon I'm going to be able to continue reading about our beloved boys in Beyond The Mask, I'm beyond excited. I missed WP and interacting here, but they messed up, so I'm not going to give them my energy anymore.


Hey dear readers and friends, it's been a while since the last post so I thought it was time for a new update. 
          I have actually decided to reupload a few books of mine on Wattpad - hoping they won't be reported for this or that reason. ^^'
          Also, I have started writing again for a while and have a few fanfictions ready in my language, short and longer ones, about some Japanese TV shows I watched and liked. I will preferably upload them on my Archive On Our Own account first, and see if I also post them on Wattpad later. I will make an announcement when the first few chapters are out anyway. I still need to translate and proofread everything. 
          Finally, I have started working again on my two novels as well, Hanasenai and Beyond The Mask. Maybe they be will posted on my Inkitt account when ready, as the platform seems quite convenient and relevant for original works and novels. I still need to figure out how to use it and want to finish my ongoing fanfictions first though. 
          That's it for today I guess :) hope you'll have a nice weekend and that we will talk soon again. Bye ~ 


@Rileyaksnes hi Riley ^^ thanks for your message. Yeah actually I thought of giving a try and just reupload a few things here to see if it is really okay or if I should move to another platform for good. So I made a few books accessible again. This platform was the first I tried for sharing my writings online and it has many advantages that's also why I like it in particular ^^ we'll see how things turn out. 
            Regarding Beyond the mask, I really want to finish it too :) there are few parts I'd like to modify though, before uploading it again. But don't worry, it will come back soon x) on Inkitt and maybe here if WP doesn't disappoint me again. XD
            Hope you are doing well anyway. Talk soon. Take care xx 


Hey Steph,
            I just got an email from WP stating I was mentioned in SunMork one-shot; I guess sometimes the email works, lol. Nice to see you back here. I missed you. Knowing soon I'm going to be able to continue reading about our beloved boys in Beyond The Mask, I'm beyond excited. I missed WP and interacting here, but they messed up, so I'm not going to give them my energy anymore.


Hi dear readers. Hope you are all good. I am writing to you again today, after finding out that following new WP guidelines, many books with queer/BL contents are being taken down currently. It happened to a friend of mine here yesterday (my other friend @SymonBL has well explained the situation on his board if you want to read the details) and it has made me concerned since then. I honestly don't want to see all my books disappear in a snap. So I have taken the decision to remove my stories from Wattpad. They will all be offline for now, hoping that things will calm down eventually. For now, I will continue publishing my fanfictions on Archive on our own, where I already post some stories. The link to my account is in my description/profile, I use the same ID. I might not repost all my stories on AO3 (like, the oldest ones), but at least part of them, the most recent ones, will still be available to read. Feel free to join me there :) and maybe on other websites as well. About the original novels (Beyond the mask and Hanasenai), I think I will publish them on another platform, maybe Inkitt or/and other ones, I'll try to take a look at the possibilities in the next few days. 
          I will try to keep this page updated when I publish something elsewhere (so that you don't miss my updates if you still want to follow me in my adventures). This account is very dear to me to be honest (and I had almost reached 500 subscribers wow), but it will likely become more like a reader account from now on. 
          Hope you will understand. I am not happy with what is happening, but I don't want to lose what I have because of AI or whatever. 
          Hope to talk again soon. Thank you again for your lovely support :3 take care. 


@cyb3rclubb c'est gentil. Merci de ta compréhension aussi. Cette histoire et une partie des autres sont aussi publiées sur mon compte Archive on our own, du moins, les versions en anglais. Donc tu peux la retrouver là-bas ^^ je ferai une update ici quand il y aura du nouveau. Merci pour ton soutien. :) À bientôt. 


@ mitchiko3  je lisais l'histoire danyok que t'avais publié ici, c'est dur et triste ces nouvelles mais je comprends  j'espère que tout ira mieux bientôt. Merci pour tout ton incroyable travail 


@SymonBL yeah, probably that the process is safer. But that verification process when you post your story actually makes me feel a bit nervous. Even though I don't think my stories will represent a problem, I am still stressed out you know ^^' anyway, I just joined Inkitt :p and followed you hehe I will try to publish my first chapter for Beyond the mask there quickly and see what happens. 


Hi hi. I’m so tempted to read your latest story of Talay and Perth but I haven’t watched it yet and I’m afraid of reading it in case of spoilers. Will definitely read it once I have watched the show :)


Hi. Yeah, I think it's better, as my story contains spoiler (it can be considered as a short sequel). Plus, the film lasts about 6 minutes so it's easy to watch :) 


Hi dear readers and friends, it's been a while. Hope you have been doing well and are enjoying a nice weekend :3 I have been quite busy and tired lately because of my new job, that is much different from my previous one, but we always need time to adjust to new things right ? ^^' Due to this, I couldn't really take the time to write or translate anything for weeks. I have just started writing again very recently, and plan to update my BL oneshot book with a new story. Actually I was so happy to see Talay and Perth reunited again for a short movie that I couldn't help but writing something on these two. ^^ Another update on Disorder is also planned. I don't exactly know when I will upload these two short chapters but hopefully soon. So stay tuned. ^^ Hope you'll enjoy them. 
          Until then, hope I wish you a nice Saturday. Thank you for your support on my stories. ;) Take care. 


@jjbl20 thank you for your kind support ^^ this one is just a short story but I hope you will still like it. 


Thank you for writing another Perth Talay fanfic. I can’t wait to read it. I hope your new job is going well and that you’re enjoying it :)


@SymonBL Perth left BoC last year I think :/ I just took a look at his Twitter account and noticed that his recent projects are in Japan, he's staring in a J-drama that I actually wanted to watch xD I haven't heard much about his Thai activities so I imagine he's probably focusing on his career in Japan right now. And maybe Talay had a professional opportunity there too so coincidentally, they reunited for this short movie. I think their comeback was a lot appreciated by many fans so maybe we can hope for more in the future. ^^  


Hello again dear subscribers and friends, and Happy New Year 2024 to you all ~ bonne année à tous ~ may this year bring you a lot of good things and success in your projects ;) for my first resolution of the year, I have prepared a few chapters for you - consider it as another late Christmas gift ^^ a smaller one, as I will update two books today:
          - Disorder (another bonus, a sequel of the story - this is the 2nd chapter, out of 3) 
          - Love Sick (last chapter!)
          And I will also update my BL oneshot collection book during the week so stay tuned ~ 
          Hope you'll enjoy the reading and have a good day :) bye ~ 


@SymonBL hey, thank you ;) haha you never what tomorrow can bring so why not, it's nice to have objectives. Let's do our best. x) 
            As for my own resolutions, I'd like to finish my original novel this year and learn French sign language, I just started and quite like it. ^^ I hope I will keep these two resolutions haha. 


@mitchiko3 Happy 2024 to you too~~ UwU I hope all your new year resolutions will come true!!
            As for mine, I'm hoping to make my patreon a huge success with lots more new stories... but that's probably unrealistic and will never happen~ pfff I always make resolutions that I can't keep and end up breaking anyways!! AHAHAHA


Hi dear readers, 
          It's been a while, but here am I again for my favorite time of the year - that is to say Christmas x) in order to celebrate this special period, I have prepared a few surprises for you, regarding the following books which will all be updated today:
          - Disorder/NLMG FF (1 update) (I especially missed this story and pairing all of a sudden...) 
          - Love Sick/Laws Of Attraction FF (1 update) 
          - TV Drama Reviews (2 updates) 
          - BL Oneshot Collection (1 update) 
          That means you will have 5 new posts for today, that I'll make available little by little. Honestly, I'd have liked to publish more things, I just didn't have much time to write in the last few weeks. However... I might upload new chapters again in a short time. Who knows ~ 
          Hope you'll enjoy these few little surprises anyway and that you'll have a good day. Wish you a Happy Merry Christmas too if you celebrate it. 
          Thank you for your support. x) Take care ~ 


@SymonBL hey Merry Xmas to you too Symon ~ I think it's the ideal time of the year to spoil my followers and friends and also to go back to writing cause I kind of missed that ;) 
            Santa was very generous to me. I hope it was also the case for you, that you were spoiled. x) 
            Haha well, I have so many publications to catch up with, for my part ^^' I guess once I'll start, it will be like another kind of Christmas present for myself. Lol 


@mitchiko3 Merry Xmas Steph~~ UwU Love that you always have something planned for the holidays, unlike me!! LOL~ The best thing I can do now is go back to writing, so that I have something to publish!!! pfff
            I hope that Santa got you some nice presents too this year!!! Cos you deserve it~~ <3


Hi dear readers and friends, it's been a while since my last post here. Here is a new notice to give you some news - some good and bad ones. 
          The good one is that I'll be updating my latest fanfiction soon, the one on Laws of Attraction's side couple. I have two chapters ready to be posted. Apart from that, I am still working on my novel Beyond the mask regularly and will probably start publishing new episodes in a few weeks. 
          However, I also have some less good news to announce: due to some circumstances (linked to my work life), I will have to stop translating novels in French on this account. I can't give too many details but sadly, I have to take down my translations of My Dream and Paint With Love, at least for some time. I may upload them again later if I am allowed to but for the moment, I don't want to take any risk. 
          Hope you understand and that you will still follow the updates here. Your feedbacks and readings are a big source of motivation for me. :) 
          Have a nice week anyway and see you in a few days for a new update. Take care.  


Hi there dear readers, hope you are doing well. September is almost there. 
          Since last time, I have been working on two oneshots and short stories, that I'm planning to upload soon, in my BL oneshot book probably. The texts are already written and need to be proofread and translated now. 
          I will continue working on my two original novels in the meantime. Regarding my old work Hanasenai, I plan to rewrite it completely now that the synopsis has been slightly adapted. I'll upload the chapters in both languages, French and English, as I'm doing for Beyond the mask. As for the latter, the book is quite well advanced - the chapters are only partially written, though the outline/draft of the whole story is almost complete. That will be quite a big work to dedicate to these two books, but I'll do my best to make them look good enough, while working on other things at the same time - and continuing job hunting, as it's still complicated right now. 
          Thank you for your patience and kind support and votes on all my books - also big thanks to the new followers - ^^ until next time ~ 


Hi dear readers. Hope you are doing well and are having a good week - a not too hot one also haha ^^' just a short notice to inform you that I uploaded the last two chapters of Disorder today and just marked the story as complete ~ so now all my long FF books are officially finished. The chapters were ready for a while, I just didn't have the opportunity to post anything. My work life is actually a bit complicated at the moment, having to go job hunting again. It kind of stressed me so I wasn't really in the mood for writing or reading. Hope you will enjoy these last chapters anyway. I will normally be back with a few oneshots in the next few weeks. As I said before, I want to focus on writing short things at the moment, so that I can make progress on my original novel too, which makes me particularly motivated, as it's a story I like a lot. Wish you a great weekend and summer :3 take care. 


@jjbl20 hey :) yeah about Step by Step, I'm on ep10 right now, and compared to the last two eps, I find this one much more interesting ^^ I also think that some scenes or events lack explanations, notably regarding the side couple I also wanted to see being developed more... 
            About La Pluie I don't really know if I like it tbh. I'm also on ep10 and I feel like it lacks "logic" and the drama looked really exaggerated in my opinion. Don't know how they are going to solve this, we'll see. ^^'
            Ah we agree for the My School President OS episodes ^^ I couldn't even finish them sadly. I'm not interested by the Never let me go episodes, it's not the kind of special content I wanted ^^' but I might try the ones on Bad Buddy/1000stars. 
            I haven't watched Taiwanese BLs in a while, a bit like Symon, I was disappointed by the ones I tried this year. But I admit that the new ones that are coming look more interesting so maybe I'll give some of them a try later. ^^ 


@Symon_NOhm I think it's not a rumour anymore since I have seen a promotional pic of the future CM anime on Instagram ^^ however, from how it looks, I'm afraid the chara design will not really be my cup of tea. Lol 
            Lol I totally agree regarding JBLs, it's full of contradictions ^^'
            I recommend Love Tractor too, if you want to watch something quite cute and light, personally I really started enjoying it after two-three episodes. I have noticed that for almost all the TV shows I have tried recently, the first episode didn't convince me... I don't know if it'll be the same for you. x) 


@mitchiko3 I haven't read the CM manga, so I don't know if it also loses the comedy later on on focus more on drama (I hope not~) YES! So the rumours are true about the Anime?? I was asking about it in the rant I wrote, but nobody knew the answer... LOL~ We're all still praying that it will be confirmed soon, or has it happened already?? <3
            LOL~ Why can't JBLs be more in between - it's either way too PG or just full on explicit!!! xDDD I need them to give us a balanced BL please~ hehe
            @jjbl20 Hey, and welcome to our endless chat about random bl stuff~ pfff Feel free to express yourself~~ UwU
            It sounds like if I wanna get back in to watching KBLs I should start with Love Tractor?? Seems like it would be a fun watch - short and sweet is just what I need right now actually... hehe
            I'm just praying that BMF won't get the ep11 curse treatment - I'm holding out hope, so that I can start watching without any anxiety of that happening... TvT But I'm mostly just happy it's getting a lot of good reviews so far, unlike some other current shows that I was looking forward to watching~ LOL
            TaiwanBLs have been a little disappointing and scarce these days - the only one that I ended up liking was About Youth~ And I just don't know what's happening with the HIStory series - it's getting worse and worse~ sigh! Their current series is Stay By My Side (I heard it's actually a remake of Addicted Heroin, right?) I'm still a little confused whether it will be Bromance, or if it's gonna be BL~ I'm really hoping it does well, cos I did like the original even with it's problems~ Mainly I just wanna know what happens after that final episode cliffhanger of the century!!! LMFAOOO