
I feel like my head is a whirlpool of plots, and I am floating from one to another all the time.


I know it's been a while since you guys have got something from me, but I hope to have something coming soon for you all! Sit tight, guys!!!


@mithimuffin nice :)
            And I don't mind waiting for the other story of I have to... Might be a bit impatiently, but I can wait! *add laughing emoji here*


@Tori-G I have a couple of ideas and a little bit of inspiration :)


@mithimuffin looking forward to it! Even if it's something new! 


So, it appears as if I've officially joined Twitter so I can stay better connected with you all. My username is _mitzimuffin. Apparently, mitzimuffin was already taken. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? Anyways, there's also a link on my page if anyone wants to follow me. 
          I will try to stay better connected with you all through twitter and I'll even try to follow back. 
          My previous record with social media isn't exactly spectacular :/


@Tori-G Oh yeah, I did have a Twitter for a brief time period back then, but I don't have one currently. I suppose I should delete this, hehe


@mithimuffin I tried searching for it, but couldn't find you.. 


I'm working on the new chapter for Temptations and it's happening quite nicely. Things are happening kind of slowly in this new version but they'll speed up quickly albeit not as quickly as the first version but more steamy. I can't help it.
          I'm getting wisdom tooth surgery tomorrow. Kind of anxious about that. I'm not sure what my mental state of being will be :)


New Update on that new story I was talking about. I would like to point out that this story is purely fictional and to not freak out by how distinguished our protagonist is, or how she seems to have a ton of names. She does. But she's different from any character I've written about since she has my Indian heritage. She comes off as a bit of a bad guy.


I know I shouldn't. I really do. But I can't help it. Sometimes, inspiration for a story hits so hard and I can't stop myself from writing. So expect something new and totally different coming up soon. 
          Noxious (Adj.) - harmful, poisonous, or very unpleasant
          P.S. I promise to try to write more of Temptations and finish editing Guilty By Association. I know I have a lot on my plate right now. Also, I won't be posting my Nanowrimo story on Wattpad because I'm not satisfied with it. Noxious will also only have the prologue up until I write more.