
i last posted here in 2016 damn, i dont know if anyone here is still active and im sorry for coming back and changing things so suddenly but im not sure i'll even log back into this account because i dont' write much now, i haven't done much writing and this account makes me feel really odd? most people here knew me when i was like ? 13, 14. 15 and by my birth name etc and now im 17 and you can see things have kinda changed, sorry for leaving really suddenly and not really saying anything, i'm leaving works etc up but not updating them and i was on this site for two years or so and i changed a lot through it and met great people so thank you, you can ask where to find me and im sorry again for leaving without a word things caught up and its shitty but i just forgot about this account and i apologise for that i hope everyone's okay and well, thank you - isaac


i last posted here in 2016 damn, i dont know if anyone here is still active and im sorry for coming back and changing things so suddenly but im not sure i'll even log back into this account because i dont' write much now, i haven't done much writing and this account makes me feel really odd? most people here knew me when i was like ? 13, 14. 15 and by my birth name etc and now im 17 and you can see things have kinda changed, sorry for leaving really suddenly and not really saying anything, i'm leaving works etc up but not updating them and i was on this site for two years or so and i changed a lot through it and met great people so thank you, you can ask where to find me and im sorry again for leaving without a word things caught up and its shitty but i just forgot about this account and i apologise for that i hope everyone's okay and well, thank you - isaac


          i was @_arsyn 
          I've been inactive for a while and whilst I'd like to say i'll continue on and try to be active  i may not be 
          However atm I would like to start writing again, it won't be often but I'll try and probably write little one shots for fandoms i'm in rn! I haven't written in a while so it may take me a while to get back into things but i'll try my best and i'll just have to be reminded to stay as active as I can as i do enjoy writing but with everything going on both at school and w my mental health rn i haven't been able to. 
          Anyway enough of that, just know i'm going to try and return and be more active on here (and actually write more) !
          Iruma x