Hey :) I know, you are a new writer, at least here on this plattform, but I really wanna encourage you to not give up or doubt yourself. Especially in the beginning, when you don't get much vites it is easy to doubt yourself, to thing your stories aren't good enough or to have the feeling that no one will like them. But that's not true. I really enjoyed your story, and I've read many ff's on here in the years... I really enjoy your writing style and the way you put your words on the... well screen (I guess xD) You really have talent, and I really really hope you stick to writing stories, even if it's jsut for fun or in your free time. If you ever wanna talk with someone or so, feel free to give me a message or just talk with me :) Love, Ia

Hello, @real__ia! God, I can’t even begin to describe the warmth your words have given me. I didn't expect much from finally publishing my story on this platform—I guess, a part of me just wanted to get it out of my system, trying to find my footing again after years of avoiding writing because immense self-doubt and disillusionment has felled & clouded my interest over the years. But I did find it again, and now I’m just trying. Trying harder & better this time. So you taking the time to read and comment feels… surreal. Gratifying, even. And for that, I am truly grateful, Ia. Thank you for giving “Smoke Signals” a chance and me a reason to keep going. Thank you. And I offer you this space as well if you need and want to talk with someone here :’) Take heart, Sy