Not sure how many people will see this, but I think this is important to note.
Recently, Donald trump has been elected for president. This bothers me on so many levels, but I will refrain from stating that info and stick to what I came here to write about.
Kanye for 2020. Now Ron Perlman 2020.
This is NOT okay.
No actor, no arrogant businessman, no Hollywood star should become president at such a short notice.
Not to state the obvious, but running a country is 100% NOT a joke. I don't think many people nowadays realize this. In my opinion, I would not want a rapper, who starts feuds with other Hollywood stars, and then his wife gets involved, to be running a powerhouse like America. Though he is not the only one running the country, he is an icon that foreigners will think of when they think of America.
IMO, you should need experience to be president. Winning the election over someone who is more qualified because it is about who is more popular will tear this country apart in a jiffy.
Elections are not about who is more popular in Hollywood. That's what awards are for.
Elections are about we, the people of the United States of America, putting someone qualified, someone who will take charge for our country, and will represent our country with great honor at one of the prestige positions in the world.
Running a country is different from being famous in Hollywood.
Thank you.