Oh. My. Goodness. I have been gone for so long. I was NOT planning on taking that big of a break. I am sorry to any of you that were reading my books and were left hanging. I have my reasons for leaving. It's too long a story to post about here but just know that things are better now. If you're curious as to what happened, you can dm me. I really don't mind. However, I will try to get back to writing again. I will most likely revise my books to suit my style more now that I'm much older, and make sure that I'm proud of them. Then I'll continue them. So please give me time and I'll continue the books. I want to finish them at least. I'm not satisfied, knowing they're not done. So yeah. That's all. Keep an eye out for my books and I wish y'all a great day/night! Tysm for your patience! <3