
terribly sorry for probably not gonna write an update for airport this particular time, i'm having my national exams in two weeks, and i don't have time for writing things, so an update won't be up until i don't know...? because after my national exams i still have loads of things to do until 14 june, super sorry for this but i'm trying my best to write an update. wish me luck and thank you for everyone who's still reading airport!


Izin promosi kak. Bagi kalian yang suka tulisan dengan penceritaan mirip letters dan diary bisa baca cerita ini loh! Ceritanya sederhana tapi ngena, tentunya dengan penulisan rapi alias enak dibaca.  
          Update setiap hari ❤️


terribly sorry for probably not gonna write an update for airport this particular time, i'm having my national exams in two weeks, and i don't have time for writing things, so an update won't be up until i don't know...? because after my national exams i still have loads of things to do until 14 june, super sorry for this but i'm trying my best to write an update. wish me luck and thank you for everyone who's still reading airport!