r u interested in TDI/Total Drama Island???
I have just the thing for you, teehee ⁉️
this is a TDI AF, or otherwise known as an applyfic!
an apply fic is a type of story in which readers can apply to have an original character of theirs be in the story. This type of story is typically used in the k-pop side of Wattpad and by those who write fanfiction, but apply fics have been written for original plots as well.
and yes I cnped the definition of an applyfic from Google to here, shush, I'm tired and I'm doing math tuition hw rn⁉️
click on the lick and try this very kewl applyfic, the deadline's on the 3rd of September, so you still have a bit of time, hurry on up and apply to this applyfic‼️