@sippin_meow hiiiii <3

hello ^__^

people be talking bout yoonkook duet/subunit this festa im- please don't give me false hope ( ; _ ; )

just read this one yk fic,,,,, was good at first yoongs is cute and all, the storyline was purrfect but then turn out Jk is the baby boy one,,,,,,,,, im- in lost of word

our icons uwu

finally a freaking summer break that i deserved hhhhhhhhhh

its always my fav book that'll be unpublished (。•́︿•̀。) just why ?

hi to every person who's reading this. first of all i really am sorry for the very long hiatus. sorry for not doing the monthly reminder. i felt really unmotivated these past months and school and teachers and my family also didn't do me any better. some are putting a very highly expectations of me and some teachers just dislike me for no reason (maybe they do had their reasons, not that I care). i had suicidal thought every frickin days and i even tried to kill myself (all the pills had been keep in the place that idk) i am not depressed, i just don't want to live anymore. my parents were both disappointed with me and my second brother really likes to mock me. when i tried to say or share something with them they'd just ignored me. they'd be angry with me when i just staying in my room and when im outside they would just ignored me. i'll be alone again (i really hate being alone tbh). whatever or anything i did was always wrong in their eyes. just then, when i thought about giving up my life, /like a week ago or so/ there's this one incident that makes me wake up from my i-want-to-die phase. (i can not tell tho, sorry)++

@ggukbabie thank you so muchhhh ♥♥ I'm getting better now, and I'll talk to you if anything hhhh I love you too <333

and i hear my classmates talking about boyfriends