
Hey y'all, how are you guys???


Heeeeelllllo everyone!
          I've created an update schedule if you care.
          I'll update mostly on week days as I write on weekends ^_^
          Order of U P D A T E S.
          1. 35 Ways to die
          1. Weirdo's (Aot ships)
          1. Hetalia Oneshots
          2. Dare or dare: Team Mustang
          3.ShikaTema Oneshots
          4. (Maybe) Can't lose you (The Royai one)


Hi guys! Not that you care much but just a heads up I will be continuing my books! But I will not be working on them for a bit so please wait and be patient! I'm currently working on a book that isn't published yet so be excitedddd! I hope you all stick around though ^_^ 


@RachelChung4 Well anime and kpop are my life source.
          BTS IS AMAZINGGGG! Bias? Mines Jimin and Yoongi (Suga)
          Are you up to date on the anime? The Tartarus arc and Fairytail Zero is awesome!!! The manga is awesome too have you read it???
          I'm glad someone like anime and kpop ^_^


Hey! Sorry to bother you but I have a question. Is there some sort of schedule with "Team Mustang: Dare or Dare" or was it discontinued? I am really confused. Just hope it gets updated soon :)


@XxXAnimeLordXxX thanks bud! I'll try to do my best!!!


Ok that's totally fine! I was just really confused. So don't worry about it and just keep doin' what your doin' :)


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@XxXAnimeLordXxX Oh fuck.... Well about that I haven't been updating any of my books lately as I'm working on one behind the scenes lol but yes it is going to be continued and no there is no schedule sorry I'll do my best to update it and thank you for enjoying my stupid book xD I'll try my best