
Hey thought I’d update on some things. Been a rough year, my mom passed this spring. I think I’ll be starting writing up around summer when I have more time and energy to work on things❤️


@mjbbygurl I'm sorry for your loss- I hope you and ur fam are doing well!


Hey so so sorry for the hiatus it’s been a crazy year. An insane amount of hw, mental health struggles, school sh00ting threats and a classmate passing away. I will be finishing the Rodrick story and starting new ones soon. Again so sorry for the lack of content thank you for the reads and the love ❤️❤️




take ur time we will wait


@4XxWeirdoxX4 thank you so much you guys mean the world to me❤️❤️


Hi, sorry if this may be bothering, but please check out my new story. I really need your support since it's a new and fresh one.
          I recently started writing a story called Racing Hearts. It's about a young woman who moved from the Balkans to Canada to live with her rich best internet friend, who loves her, danger, cars, handsome guys and hot girls. Love is passing by though it, but Sasha(FL) is trying to court Zephyr(ML), after Hayden, Aria's older brother, who stole Sasha's heart and innocence, is going to London for a business affair that takes a year and a half. Zephyr will try courting Sasha as well, until one of them falls into the trap.
          It's gonna be a slowburn relationship between them, but it's worth to give it a try and read their life under the female lead's point of view.
