this message may be offensive
im sorry. you know who you are. i am sorry i treated you like shit. im sorry that i blamed everything on you. all you were doing was trying to help me but i didnt want it so i pushed you away. i made you feel unwanted. i lied to you, said i made everything up but in reality i didnt. i made you feel so bad that i told u that i lied. and your heart sank. how could you believe me? how could you trust me. i remember exactly one year ago i was texting you telling you my family hated me. you helped me calm down before i could do anything. and now. i see you smiling. i see you laughing. i see you happy when im the farthest from happy i have ever been. i guess the sacrifice of my happiness fed ur happiness. and as long as you are happy i can feel like i didnt screw up. except ik i did and i regret it everyday. you know who you are and i am DEEPLY sorry.