this message may be offensive
Hey :) This is some background and info on one of the owners of this account. My name's MK. Not a lot of people call me that but I prefer it over MollyKate which is actually part of my username and pen name - MollyKate Kiss @mollykatekiss I've never left Ireland, I'm vegetarian, and I have two dogs. I genuinely think that kids/children are the best humans and I can't wait to raise some. I have coeliac disease and chronic iron deficiency anaemia. Coeliac disease is an autoimmune disease. An autoimmune disease is a condition in which your immune system attacks something that it shouldn't and you're at higher risk of getting one if someone closely related has one, which I do. My autoimmune disease means that my immune system attacks my small intestine when I eat gluten. Iron deficiency anaemia is a condition in which your blood lacks iron, which produces red blood cells that carry oxygen. Therefore, your blood lacks iron, red blood cells, and oxygen. Coeliac disease can cause iron deficiency anaemia, and so can blood loss. I used to have a lot of severe nose bleeds (I still get them, just not as often), I'm clumsy asf so that can cause blood shed, and heavy periods, which is now being managed. Being vegetarian also doesn't help because red meat helps with iron. Mine is chronic which means my blood will probably never be the way it's supposed to be. This kind of shit gets in the way of some things. One of them is writing because I have other things I need to do during the week and I'm usually exhausted and I need to sleep a lot to be able to focus at all on anything. That causes irregular updates and a lot less writing time than I'd like. Anyway, I hope you guys are okay and you can always message me at @mollykatekiss Have a good summer, everyone <3