hey... is anyone still here? does someone still remember me? so the craziest thing happened. it's 3am where I'm from and i accidentally clicked on the wattpad app on my way to open a different app. and it turns out i had a bunch of comments on my stories!!! it made my heart burst with happiness and gratitude. so thank you much! and, well... it's been *literally* years since i last finished writing something for any of my stories, but they never left my mind. and I can't promise anything, but lately I've been trying to get back to writing cause i miss it and i miss all of my babies, and I'm working on a few ideas... *it's NOT a promise* but I'll try as hard as i can to finish a few things so i have new content to post. I'm slowly coming back to it (and at the same time as i try to survive uni) so have patience with me, will you? thank you so much if you're still waiting on me, and i hope i can make it up for allllll this lost time. lots of love everyone ❤️❤️

@mlouisesimps hey how are you? I'va just started reading golden and I really love it for you to update it/finish it ✨