
Hey supernatural fun's,
          	Am sorry to announce that am taking down the AWAKENING for a while to go through it,..
          	It won't be up for awhile,.. it will be back. I like where the story is going, you will be seeing it SOON...


Hey supernatural fun's,
          Am sorry to announce that am taking down the AWAKENING for a while to go through it,..
          It won't be up for awhile,.. it will be back. I like where the story is going, you will be seeing it SOON...


Hi! Guys!
          So writing is a little bit harder than I thought. Am coming up with this books plot as I go. Writing a chapter as a whole and posting/publish it.
          As I edit there will be a few changes here and there, but not that major to change the plot.
          ⚠️Warning in advance.
          See you guys at the read.
          Your author 
          Next chapter is on it's way. Not by itself it's not. Huh!
          Coming soon as they say.
          If you like the book share, vote or comment that would be greatly appreciated by me. 
          Thanks guys, I do mumble a lot when am writing.


Hey guyz!?
          It's been awhile and yes it has been a rough begging of the year.
          But we have to keep the hope of everything will be back to atlist a sence normalcy.
          "For our healthy worriers battles with this virus we say thank you and we will be victorious."
          There is an chapter upcoming update this week am 3\4 way through, but I promise it will be up before the week ends.
          Here is a sneek pick,
          "It's almost midnight I do not what to take alot of time, so, let's welcome Alpha Renold!" said as he raised his voice towards the end, we all stood up, to usher my father on stage. It was a new day or night as it is, a new era to be welcomed. Am hoping am ready for this responsibility or else... I tend to overthink things.
          "Just be in the moment your highness." Alright, what's up with her today, I think the Alpha tittle is getting to her, and after all she is an Alpha...
          Thank you all, see you soon!


Heyyyy !!!
          Tnx for voting on my book 'Hybrid Female Alpha's Human Mate' !!! I hope you liked it and enjoyed !!! 
          Thank you 


@Vixualart_Erick I'm happy you liked it !! Oh do let me know where the changes should be done , I'll do it as soon  as possible !!
            Thank you


            It's one of the interesting story I have read in this platform so far with a different view on the fictional genres. Quite unique, just need a few correctional changes.
            Thank you for the story, I did like it.


I am sorry, I have tried to reply to your messages but Wattpad keeps bouncing back to the mailbox and not sending them. I don't understand what is the problem.
          I wrote a small recommendation that worked for me when I started... a true writer writes to please the readers, but the challenge is to find a balance between pleasing yourself and pleasing the readers. You want to write something that you like and something that is good for you, something that pleases your mind. What makes you happy. And there is the magic when you manage to write something that also pleases the audience.
          You can do it,  Laurent :)


@BarbaraPy thanks alot, and yes am gonna do this.  


Hello guys,  new writer in the building. I always wanted  to do a book.  Now am introducing the AWAKENING. It's out just down the pilot,  chapter one the Runner.  Check it out tell me what you think. Any comment will be much appreciated. 
          Salute guys, stay safe out there