
hey how is everyone doing? 


um I just posted 2 chapters today and I love the second one “lookalike” and I hope you do as well! Honestly to anyone who reads my story’s I just wanna say thank you because it really means a lot! Anyways it’s 4:40am and I want sleep lol! :) 


hey y’all! just updated the story... even tho nobody reading it  but whatever  
          but I’m honestly so tired of school and ready to be on break! Finals got me wanting to cry  
          Also I got a Nintendo switch from Black Friday and like I kinda have.... no friends  so like
          would someone idk.. want my friend code?? 
          Anyways hope anyone reading this is doing great! Love you 


bruh I can’t even see my emojis so y’all gonna just think I’m wack... nah y’all would think that anyways lmao 


          yesterday and today I’ve been going over and revising the second and the new third chapter to my story (the new kid). 
          I really appreciate any feedback! Honestly it’s just nice having people take the time to read it! :) 
          Anyways I hope you all are doing well! 


Hey guys! Just made first chapter to my first story!!! Please check it out and give feed back :) and this isn’t gonna be just about Earthbound or Nintendo but I’ll have more story’s in the future! Anyways goodnight and thanks!