
Parallel universe is officially out with five new chapters! I know I haven't been on in a while, but it was because of school and working on this book. I hope you enjoy! Feel free to give me feedback on how terrible it is.


Parallel universe is officially out with five new chapters! I know I haven't been on in a while, but it was because of school and working on this book. I hope you enjoy! Feel free to give me feedback on how terrible it is.


I added a new chapter to Sacred Springs the other day and i have some ideas for a couple of new stories. I would like to know if you want science fiction or romance posted first. Would you want Sacred Springs to be continued?


i have started a new book called The Sacred Springs. I am really proud of the chapters that I have written so far and I have high hopes for this book. I will post as often as I can, when I can. School is starting so the posts may be very spaced out but never fear! I hope to get it done for you lovely people and I will see you in my writing. P.S. Feel free to critique me on my writing. I will be answering my Direct message and any comments on my story when i see them.