
Hello everyone!!!
          	I know it's been a looooong time since I last posted but I'm preparing something new...and big probably! 
          	Around the end of October I will post the first part of my very first Harry Potter fanfiction and I'm really excited for it! 
          	I've been working all summer for this story and I have a to work really hard those 2 weeks so I can finish it before school starts! 
          	I'm pretty excited for this story...
          	I can't even wait to post it
          	Take a good care of yourself! 
          	Love you all❤️


Hello everyone!!!
          I know it's been a looooong time since I last posted but I'm preparing something new...and big probably! 
          Around the end of October I will post the first part of my very first Harry Potter fanfiction and I'm really excited for it! 
          I've been working all summer for this story and I have a to work really hard those 2 weeks so I can finish it before school starts! 
          I'm pretty excited for this story...
          I can't even wait to post it
          Take a good care of yourself! 
          Love you all❤️


Hey everybody!! 
          In a week it is my Easter break...
          For my Greek readers i will correct the Greek story "How It all Started" and I will reposted and end it cause it's nearly at the end...
          For all of you that you are reading "Fell in Love with My Opponent" I will continue the story and hopefully by the end of this week I will have posted a new part...
          I'm truly sorry but all this Covid thing has changed me and I barely have, exams, priv lessons...
          Thank you for supporting me!
          Stay safe!!
          Love you all!!❤️


@ mactinus20025  heyy hope u are okay!! Can't wait for the chapters love u too :) 


Hey everyone! Sorry that i haven't post in a while now but my life is really stressful and I have no time to write! I have a passion for writing and I have missed it but everything that I'm experiencing atm has gotten me down. 
          On the 21 of March I have an important English exam and at my school I write tests every single day!
          Hopefully you will understand!
          I love you all
          Stay safe!
          I will post as soon as I'm able❣️


@ mactinus20025  Heyyyyy that's no Problem ❤ everyone has school and I understand you and I LOVE YOU TOOOOOOO STAY SAFE TOO


          I hope you all are good!
          I'm sorry that I haven't post for a while now...
          But school started the previous week and also I started my English and German private lessons and some other private lessons for school. I nearly have time to write...i write a little bit when I have time and I'm not tired...
          This weekend I will post a personal imagine that I have promised to a girl and I'm extremely sorry for the delay....
          Hope you can understand...
          School and private lessons are killing I'm taking and important and difficult English exam on December (which is far away from now) but I will have to study hard to pass...(hopefully)
          Love you all and stay safe! ❤️❤️
          Goodnight homies 


Εχθές καταλάθος αναιρεσα την δημοσίευση της ιστορίας "How All Started" στο επόμενο λεπτό όμως ξανά ανέβασα όλα τα Parts!
          Ήθελα να σας ζητήσω συγγνώμη άμα σας ήρθα περίπου 53 ειδοποιήσεις...
          Είμαι λίγο ηλίθια ώρες ώρες αλλά υγεία!
          Love you a lot 


@ _waytoescape_  ναι την διέγραψα διότι θέλω να κάνω πολλές διορθωσεις... επίσης δεν έχω ιδέες για το πώς να τελειώσω την ιστορία και καθόλου χρόνο... 


@ mactinus20025  Συγνώμη για την ενόχληση αλλά διέγραψες το How All Started ή μόνο εμένα δεν μου το βγάζει;


Διορθώνω την ιστορία How All Started και έχω κρινζταρει τη ζωή μου...τι έγραφα 13 χρόνων παιδί...ο θεός και η ψυχή του!
          Τεσπά...τι να πούμε...
          Επίσης έβγαλα τα μάτια μου με την ορθογραφία που είχα τότε.. 
          Συνεχίζω με τη διόρθωση...
          Και επίσης νομίζω ότι πρέπει σιγά σιγά να τελειώνει η ιστορία γτ παιδευομαι 2 χρόνια νομίζω...νταξει δεν ανεβάζω συχνά αλλά ναι...και επίσης είναι λίγο μεγάλη sooo...
          Μάλλον θα κάνω 2ο βιβλίο οταν την τελειώσω όπου θα είναι η συνέχεια...


@mactinus20025  ταυτίζομαι :')
            (αλλά ντάξει με την ορθογραφία καλή σχέση από πάντα λελ)


Hello everyone!
          How are you?
          (Γράφω στα αγγλικά σε περίπτωση που υπάρχει κάποιος-καποια από άλλη χώρα και διαβάζει τις ιστορίες μου)
          I know I hadn't posted for a while but school was killing me.
          Now that i have a lot of time I will try to post more often...
          I will ofc continue the greek story "How all started"
          And the English one "Fell in Love With My Opponent"
          Also I will come continue posting the M&M imagines!
          I want to tell you that I dont upload on my fanpage on Instagram anymore cause some hacked me and I wasn't able to take it back. It was a big part of me. I don't make a new one because I cant do the same process once again. But who knows I might open one when I will fell it! 
          So if someone is interested to read my stories and imagines you can read it here! 
          Anyways! Stay home! Stay safe and wash your hands!